Legal Notice
This legal notice regulates the permitted use of the website according to the provisions below:
Compliance with LSSI: Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on services of the information society and electronic commerce. Owner of the web: BRUM PROJECT 2020 SL (hereinafter, "NABU-LABS").
This merchant agrees not to allow any transaction that is illegal, or is considered by the credit card brands or the acquiring bank, which may or has the potential to damage the goodwill of the same, or have a negative impact on them. The following activities are prohibited under the programs of the card brands: the sale or offer of a product or service that is not in full compliance with all laws applicable to the Buyer, Issuing Bank, Merchant, Holder of the card, or cards. In addition, the following activities are also expressly prohibited: Selling drugs..
08009 Barcelona
Phone: +34 931 23 45 67
CIF.: B01697234
Registered in the mercantile registry of Barcelona, Volume 47409, Folio 168 , Hoja B 550931 entry 1.
Intellectual property and responsibility for their content.
The intellectual property rights of this website, source code, design, photographs, text, navigation structure, databases and the different elements that they contain, are owned NABU-LABS, which is the exclusive exercise of the rights of exploitation in any form and, especially, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.
It is prohibited any use of all the contents of the web page, in particular the texts, design, works, trademarks, logos, source code and any other subject of protection, without the express permission of their holders. Any unauthorised use will be duly pursued by the legitimate owners. Similarly, all trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained in the website are protected by the law.
The holder of the web page is responsible for the content that target the links in it, according to what is established in article 17 of the LSSICE.
Users may not use the contents of the web, being able to catch them, play them, and distribute them, nor use them for commercial purposes, or manipulate them, and to make derivative works, without having first obtained the consent or authorization NABU-LABS.
In addition, any other form of exploitation, different from the one mentioned in the previous paragraph, by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of this site will constitute an infringement of the intellectual property rights and/or industrial Company or the holder of the same, and can give rise to the exercise by NABU-LABS of all judicial or extrajudicial actions that may correspond in the exercise of their rights.
Also, the information that the User can access through the web, you can be protected by industrial property rights, intellectual, or of any other nature. In consequence, NABU-LABS will not be liable in any case and under any circumstances of the violations committed by the User in connection with these rights.
Terms of use.
With respect to the website, the user may view, print and download part of the content of the website, only if the following situations:
- That is compatible with the purpose of the web site.
- That is done with the sole purpose of obtaining information for personal and private use. It is thus forbidden, specifically, the use for commercial purposes.
- No graphic, icon or image available on the web is used, copied or distributed separately from the text or other images that accompany it.
The User undertakes to use the website, content and services in accordance with the Law, this Legal Notice, good customs and public order. Likewise, the User undertakes not to use the website, its content or services provided through it for illicit purposes or effects, to be contrary to this legal policy, or harmful to interests or rights of third parties, or in any other way may damage, disable, make inaccessible, or impair the website, its contents or its services or prevent normal use of the same by other users.
Likewise, the User expressly undertakes not to destroy, alter, render useless or in any other way damage the data, programs or electronic documents found on the Web.
Changes on the web and conditions of use
NABU-LABS reserves the right to modify and update the information contained in the website, as well as its configuration, the presentation and the access conditions. Also, NABU-LABS reserves the right to update this legal notice without prior notice to the users, when the regulations or the currently required.
Limitation of liability
NABU-LABS does not guarantee the absence of errors or interruptions in the access to the website or its content, nor that it is updated. Although, NABU-LABS will take all actions that are available for the solution of any error, disconnection, or lack of update that can occur in the web.
Both the access to the website as well as the non-consensual use that may be made of the information contained herein, is the exclusive responsibility of the user. So, NABU-LABS is not liable for any consequence, damage or prejudice that may arise from such access or use by a third party.
NABU-LABS is not responsible for security errors or damages that may occur as a result of:
- The presence of a virus in the computer of the user that is used for connection with the services and contents of the web.
- A malfunction of the browser.
- Use of non-updated versions of the browser.
NABU-LABS does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the contents that may produce alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), documents or files of the users.
Law of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (34/2002 of 11 July).
Article 10 general Information
- Without prejudice to the requirements in respect of information set out in the regulations in force, the provider of services of the information society will be obliged to have the means that allow the recipients of the service to the competent organs, accessed by electronic means, of a permanent, easy, direct and free, the following information:
a) name or corporate name; his residence or domicile, or, in his default, the address of one of its permanent establishments in Spain; his e-mail address and any other data that allow to establish a direct, effective communication.
(b) The data of your Registration in the Commercial register in which, in his case, have been entered or that other public register what they were for the acquisition of legal personality or for the sole purpose of advertising.
(c) In the event that your activity was subject to a system of prior administrative approval, the data relating to the authorization and identification of the competent authority responsible for its supervision.
d) If it exercises a regulated profession, you must indicate:
1.º The data of the professional Association to which, in your case, belongs to and the number of referee.
2.º The title official academic or professional with the one that counts.
3.º The State of the European Union or the European Economic area in which it is issued that title, and, in his case, the corresponding approval or recognition.
4.º The professional rules applicable to the exercise of their profession and the means through which you can know, including electronic.
(e) The tax identification number that corresponds to him.
f) When the service of the society of the information make reference to prices, you will be given clear and accurate information about the price of the product or service, indicating whether or not to include the applicable taxes, and, in his case, about the shipping costs.
g) The codes of conduct to which, in your case, it is acceded to, and the way of reference electronically.
2.- As well as that they have completed the terms and conditions relating to:
– Cookie policy
The company reports its cookies policy, complying with the provisions of article 22.2 of the Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.
Cookie is a file which is downloaded onto your computer when accessing certain web pages. Cookies allow a web page, among other things, store and retrieve information on the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way in which to use your computer, can be used to recognize to the user. The user's browser memorizes cookies on the hard disk only during the current session occupying a space of memory minimum and not harming your computer. Cookies do not contain any kind of specific personal information, and most of them are deleted from your hard drive at the end of the browser session. Most browsers accept as standard cookies, and, independently thereof, allow or prevent the security settings temporary cookies or stored. Without your consent through the activation of cookies in your browser, not link in the cookies stored data with personal data provided at the time of registration or purchase. The User expressly accepts, for the use of this web site, treatment of information obtained in the manner and for the purposes mentioned above. And it also recognizes to know the possibility of rejecting the treatment of such data or information by rejecting the use of Cookies by selecting the appropriate settings for this purpose in your browser. While this option of blocking Cookies on your browser may not allow full use of all the functionalities of the website. Can you allow, block or delete the cookies installed in his computer by configuring the browser options installed on your computer.Applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction.
This legal policy is subject to the provisions of the Spanish law. For any dispute arising from the interpretation of the same, the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the city of Barcelona (Spain), provided this is not contrary to the provisions of article 29 of the LSSI.

Happy customers
Marta, Valladolid, 26 years old, architect
When did you start to take oil CBD?
I started taking oil of CBD in quarantine, at the end of march or beginning of April. In that moment, as all the world I guess, I was very stressed by the whole situation of the coronavirus. I woke up, I was working from the sofa, so that hurt me a lot back, I saw the news... I also other things happened during the confinement, which I estresaron much. The case, looking for remedies online and found the oil of CBD. At the beginning I was scared because I didn't know if it was legal. After I saw that yes, that had nothing to do with a drug, and I jumped. Until now.
By the pain of the rule, that to me is horrible. Truly, I thank you that this makes me somewhat, because if it is not that it could not get out of bed. I have also now taken for the start of classes. And I am sure that I will take before the exams, because I get stressed a lot. I can't sleep. And I've read that in addition to analgesic is de-stressing.
Why take it?
Now I take it when I'm stressed out after studying. I'm preparing a competition to high school teacher. The competitions are tough, you have to study a lot and are stressful. Sometimes I get to my floor and I am in tension thinking about all I have to do the next day. That's why once in a while I come to use oil CBD, to relax and to be able to take the next day.
Newsletter Nabu-labs
We would like to keep you informed about new products, services, partnerships and offers that we believe you may be interested in. By registrating to our newsletter you agree that we contact you through the email you provide us. We take very seriously the privacy of our customers and we do not share with third parties the information that we can provide.
Do you need help?
Please contact our customer care department we will resolve all concerns.