Frequent questions
We solve all the concerns and questions you have about CBD products.
What is the CBD of Nabu-labs?
The CBD is one of the many organic compounds that are part of the hemp plants, belongs to the family of cannabinoids and the name itself which is known to the CBD is cannabidiol.
What are the properties and benefits of CBD?
El CBD, como otros fitocannabinoides, tienen la capacidad de relacionarse con distintos receptores del organismo humano, favoreciendo diferentes efectos beneficiosos.
What differences between CBD i THC?
Los dos compuestos activos principales presentes en la planta del cáñamo (o cannabis) son el CBD o Cannabidiol y el THC o Tetrahidrocannabinol. El CBD y el THC no están en competición, sino más bien son complementarios en sus efectos y funciones y sus propiedades se ven resaltadas si se utilizan en conjunto.
Do I need a prescription for the consumption of CBD?
Existen estudios y publicaciones sobre las diferentes vías de administración del CBD, tanto por vía interna como externa. Aunque no es necesaria una prescripción, es necesario tener un conocimiento del producto y de la forma de utilizarlo más adecuada en cada caso.
What is the SEC?
El SEC es la abreviación de sistema endocannabinoide, que es un sistema de comunicación intercelular presente en el organismo humano y animal y distribuido en diferentes órganos y sistemas fisiológicos, concentrándose especialmente en el Sistema Nervioso Central.
How many products of CBD are there and how to know which one to choose?
La forma de consumir CBD depende de muchos factores como podrían ser los antecedentes médicos, la edad, el peso corporal, el tipo de metabolismo y la toma de medicación.
How CBD helps to fight according to what kind of disease?
The CBD has the ability to stimulate different receptors of the SEC and interact indirectly with other systems fisiolómagical. For this reasona e there are different mechanisms by which CBD may help relieve patologías very different and in additions represents a very valuable tool to level of prevention.
¿Qué contienen los aceites Nabu-labs?
The oils of CBD Full Spectrum is made with MCT (Triglyceride of medium chain), also known as coconut oil, improves the utilization of cannabinoids on the part of the receivers of the human body, contain levels of saturated fat, close to 80%. Because of this, and its action ketogenic, in Nabu-labs we work mostly with MCT C8, a great conservative of the CBD.
How important is the traceability of the product containing CBD?
The traceability of a product is one of the most important elements today in order to ensure the quality and stability of each product. Traceability is achieved by acquiring the knowledge of each plant that is used in the manufacture of our products and know that was never treated with pesticides, cultivated with good deals, and organic food.
Do you know the safety of our products?
The products Nabu-labs go through a process of constant supervision, and it is for this reason that all the controls, since plant the seed until you get the final product, are subject to high standards of quality.
How to make a good use of our products?
Each person has a metabolism and a different sensitivity hacísubstances, therefore the dose moreright of CBD can be different from person on person.
Is it legal CBD?
The CBD was recognized by the World Health Organization and the United Nations in 2020 as a substance with health benefits and medical uses, although the recreational use remains in a legal vacuum.
Can CBD help alleviate the chronic pain?
El dolor crónico es uno de los problemas más habituales que se presentan como consecuencia de un accidente o como síntomas de otras enfermedades.
En España el dolor crónico afecta a unos 8 millones de personas, es decir 1 de cada 6.
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